

1. 美奈 ,美奈分两个部分: 风车岛和仙女溪。风车岛的日落很美,但是需要坐船过去。仙女溪就是一条小溪沿着它徒步就可以看看沿途的风景拍拍照片什么的;

2. 大叻 一座山丘林立的海边小城大叻市有“小巴黎”之誉是越南著名的旅游胜地这里的建筑充满了法式风情而且气候凉爽非常适合避暑;

3. 西贡 ,越南的首都西贡是一座充满魅力的城市,街头弥漫着一种浓浓的法国浪漫气氛,街道两旁到处都是具有百年历史的法国殖民地风格建筑。这里还有一座巨大的教堂——天主教圣尼古拉斯教堂(Church of St.Nicholas)以及一座建于19世纪的法国博物馆。

4. 下龙湾 是世界上著名的自然风景区之一位于越南北部湾海岸附近面积约2500平方公里由3600多座岛屿组成景色千姿百态各显神韵,秀中藏秀,美中藏美,被誉为海上桂林、天下奇观。


1、Bái Cát Beach 白沙滩 Bai Cat beach, in Hoi An town is a lovely beach with soft white sand and clear water, popular with locals on weekends. If you come here early enough (around noon) there's usually a small local market set up where you can buy some food to eat while enjoying the view from the hill overlooking the bay. There are also many restaurants nearby including a nice French-Vietnamese restaurant called Le Coucou. 白沙滩在会安古镇内,沙滩柔软洁白,清澈见底,周末时会有大量当地人来这里休闲娱乐。如果你来早了(大约正午时分的时候)还能看到在小山坡上有一个当地的小市场,在那里你可以买点东西吃同时还可以欣赏一下远处的风景。附近还有很多餐厅包括一家非常棒的法国越式餐馆叫做Le Coucou。

2、Hội An Ancient Town 会安古城 Hội An was declared by UNESCO as one of world cultural heritage sites for its well preserved old Chinese architecture dating back over two hundred years. It’s an easy day trip by bus or train from Da Nang city. The streets are lined with traditional Vietnamese shops selling everything from clothes, shoes & bags to jewelry and paintings. At night the whole place comes alive with hundreds of lanterns lighting the streets. You could spend all day just shopping but if you want to relax why not enjoy a Vietnamese massage at one of their spas? 会安古城由联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产遗址之一,因其拥有两百余年的古老中华式古建筑群得以完好保存而闻名于世。从岘港市乘车或乘火车到会安家只需一天的时间即可抵达。街上全是传统的越南商铺,从衣服、鞋子与包袋到珠宝绘画应有尽有。夜幕降临后整个城镇都亮起了数百盏提灯使得大街变得灯火通明。如果你想逛街购物的话可以花费一整天时间不过如果想要放松休闲一下的话何不在其温泉会所里享受一次越南按摩呢?

3、Marble Mountains 七星岩 Marble mountains, which were originally composed of six hills and now have seven after a seventh has been added, lie about eight kilometers away from downtown Danang. Legend tells that they grew out of the tears of Princess Lan Hoa when she escaped her kidnapper and reached the sea shore.The mountain offers great views of the surrounding countryside from


在越南,有这样一个寺庙叫“巴拿山佛寺” ,里面有一尊世界最高的佛像。高103米,宽72米,重达50吨。 这座佛塔于1964年开工建造,用了整整四年的时间才建成,耗工巨大。这座寺庙可以说是当地佛教的象征了! 还有越南第一高的大桥---胡志明大桥(越南人称之为“胜利桥”) 以及位于胡志明市中央的越南最大的清真寺——清真寺(Mosque) 还有越南的第一大建筑群,也是亚洲第一个大型综合性博物馆--胡志明博物馆....太多了,我实在写不完啊!! 但是这些景区里都不收门票哒!!超级便宜的啦~
