至于Lofoten群岛,就不得不提一提。Lofoten群岛由七个岛屿组成,分别是Lofoten, Vesteraalen, Røst, Vestre Tune, Moskenes, Skrova and Sør-Vestre.因为这里的冬季漫长寒冷,夏季凉爽而且日照充足,所以这里的渔业资源非常丰富,而且出产的海鲜味道也很鲜美可口;也因为这样吸引了无数的游客来这里观光。特别是到了夏天的时候,Lofoten群岛更是成了很多垂钓者的天堂,而海豹则是这里最常见的海洋生物,此外还有海鸟、北极熊等野生动物出没于这个群岛中。
谢邀 这几天正好在挪威旅游,我住在卑尔根和克里斯蒂安斯塔德之间的小镇上,这里有个很美的湖泊叫Fjord lake 。因为小镇离机场不远所以我先飞到了奥斯陆 再租车开到那里,然后在那玩了两天,然后又开回首都。
奥斯落有奥斯落大教堂、奥斯洛市政厅、诺贝尔博物馆等很多人文景观;而我的目的地却是另一个小岛。 这是我拍的照片 这个地方是位于一座岛上(也是我自己拍的)的度假别墅,它旁边是一个小湖,还有一条小溪穿过。这个屋子附近有一个森林,从照片里也可以看到大片的森林。 我是在一个叫做“Booking”的网站上找到这家酒店的。酒店的名字叫“Polarfrost Hotel & Spa ” 在网站的介绍中是这样写的: “The Polarfrost is situated in a unique location on the island of Svalbard, just outside Longyearbyen. Here you will find peace and tranquility with spectacular views over the mountains and fjords surrounding this arctic wilderness area. The hotel has been built to match its surroundings so that it blends into its natural environment, allowing guests to experience nature at close quarters. At nightfall, there are few more beautiful places where you can look out across the vast landscape from your own window. The interior design incorporates local materials to give an intimate and cosy feel. In springtime, the flowers on the hillsides are breathtaking and the summer months bring warmth, sun, and light, creating a paradise for birdwatchers and hikers.” 最后附几张我在那拍的照片 感谢题主邀请我回答问题!